Snowcap was accepted to SIGCOMM'21

My Masters Thesis Snowcap: “Synthesizing Network-Wide Configuration Updates” was accepted to SIGCOMM'21 after the first submission.

We are very proud to announce that Snowcap was accepted to SIGCOMM'21. We have received all three ACM Badges: Artifacts Available, Aftifacts Evaluated - Functional and Results Reproduced. The camera-ready version is approved by our Shepherd Lixin Gao, and submitted to ACM. I want to thank Rüdiger Birkner, Laurent Vanbever and Lixin Gao for their collaboration and support.

History of Snowcap

Snowcap was developed during my Master’s Thesis at the Networked Systems Group at ETH, supervised by Rüdiger Birkner and Laurent Vanbever. After 5 months after starting the project, and 1 month before the end of the thesis, we managed to submit the project to SIGCOMM. The entire technical work, and the writing process were part of the thesis.

Tibor Schneider
Tibor Schneider
PhD Student

My research interests include verification and synthesis of network configuration.
